An Oswald's thought was that Jesus was not a martyr. So I thought about it and decided to agree. He didn't die an unplanned death. That's why He was born. So I was OK for a sentence or two. Then I read this:
At first I thought, "Man, that doesn't sound just right, does it?" Then, the truth of what Oswald Chambers had written hit me. God doesn't forgive us because He loves us. He sent Jesus because He loves us.
He forgives because Jesus died.
Everything He does for me He does because Jesus died.
I know He loves me... Jesus died.
I know He's made a place for me... Jesus died.
He didn't take pity on me and give me a 'get out of jail free' card because He loves me. He required blood for my sin and mine wasn't the right type so Jesus took my place. God is Holy. I gotta be Holy to visit with Him. I can't be holy. Jesus is.
Now I know I knew that. It's just that I hadn't thought of it in a while. I get kinda focused on the fact that the Father wants a relationship with me and I forget somehow that it's only possible because Jesus died. I get tuned in to the fact that I'm created to worship and man, am I glad about that. I'm fairly sure my life would be worth squat without the chance to worship.
But I can only approach the throne in worship because Jesus died.
I know that sometimes death and blood are not pleasant topics in our world. We see so much senselessness -- so much wrong. But the death of Jesus is precious to me. His blood is incredibly valuable to me. He bought me with it. And I'm so very thankful to have the chance to be His. I belong to Him. Man, what a concept!
I love it when God takes something He used for one purpose in your life, and takes it in another direction for something completely different.
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