We need a Vineyard Reformation.
As John Wimber, the founding father of the Vineyard, put it, "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K." I don't know if John first said it but he was the first person I heard say it and live it.
In the beginning of being around John and other Vineyard people I came away with this concept of Divine Appointments. I can remember driving to the schools where I taught art and asking for at least one divine appointment for that day. I would be on the lookout for an appointment. I would be disappointed at the end of the day if it looked like I didn't have one.
Then something happened after having a few dozen appointments. I quite asking for them. I still had some occur but I forgot or got busy with pastoring the people that I had met through the divine appointments. Weird.
Paul tells Timothy: "Stir up the gift that's in you."
We need a Vineyard Reformation!
We're old enough as a movement that we can "go back to the old ways". Some of them are "old" and some of them are "for as long as we live". We need a new-old T-shirt slogan: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K."
If you're like me say it with me:
I have been praying for this. Let it roll down from heaven and flood the church, then the streets and then the town. I am there!
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